The inheritance and development of Chinese characteristic culture——The foreignization OR domesticati

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Chapter One The Research BackgroundrnThe globalization of English has caused the localization of English and the study of English.The localization of English refers to the variety and deformation of English language environment and social environ-ment,which can form new English such as Indian English,Singapore English and related English.These English variants are the result of cre-ative use of English language in the new social environment. They have local cultural characteristics and have the function of marking the iden-tification of national cultural identity. However,the study of English learning affects the survival and development of other languages or cul-tures because English is the carrier of western culture and ideology.Eng-lish learning is gradually putting students in danger of the social psy-chological,language and political loss of their native language,the loss of their national culture and identity which is called“Cultural aphasia”, which affected the spread of Chinese culture.Therefore,how to maintain the local cultural identity,disseminate Chinese characteristics to the outside world when we learn and use English has become a concern of governments and scholars. It is worth studying whether we should put emphasis on foreignization or domestication when it is transmitted to the world.
摘 要:经济社会飞速发展,为全民族文化的融合提供了有利条件。但是,由于少数民族大学生的就业问题尚未解决,所以,努力做好少数民族大学生的职业指导就显得至关重要了。少数民族大学生作为困难群体,需要实施有针对性、有效的职业指导策略,才能贴合实际的提升他们的人才价值,使其走上一条全面发展的创新之路,将来,有能力创造属于自己的美好新生活。本文特意对此进行了具体的探究,希望能为其他教师工作思路的转变起到促进的
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English is an important course in higher vocational institute students’daily learning,in this paper,using the method of inves-tigation,a professional technolog