在日本,群马县以养蚕业和丝织业著称。为了推动蚕丝业的进一步发展,群马县开发了一些质量高,性能好的新品种丝绸,其中包括含有陶瓷粉末的新型丝。 1 简介 在日本,群马县以养蚕业和丝织业著称,丝织业是这个地区的传统工业。从江户时代起,这个县的桐生市就以出产优质丝织品而享有盛名。在明治时代早期,即19世纪70年代,群马县就向欧洲出口大量的生丝。而日本第一个国立机械缫丝厂就建立在群马县的安中
In Japan, Gunma Prefecture is known for the sericulture industry and the silk industry. In order to promote the further development of the silk industry, Gunma County has developed a number of new varieties of silk with high quality and good performance, including new types of silk containing ceramic powder. 1 Introduction In Japan, Gunma Prefecture is known for the sericulture industry and the silk industry. The silk industry is a traditional industry in the region. From the Edo period, the prefecture’s Kiryu-son had a reputation for producing high-quality silk fabrics. In the early Meiji era, that is, in the 1970s, Gunma Prefecture exported a large amount of raw silk to Europe. The first national machinery reeling factory in Japan was established in Anzhong, Gunma Prefecture.