A Tentative Analysis on the Causes of Individual Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles

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  【Abstract】Among Thomas Hardy’s famous novels, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Hardy truthfully depicts the unfavorable conditions of the society which were responsible for the tragedy of the protagonist, Tess. This paper is trying to find out the major reason causing Tess’s individual tragedy, which is the social environment.
  【Key words】individual tragedy; cause analysis; social environment; decline; moral codes; Christianity
  Thomas Hardy is a novelist and poet, who is one of the representatives of English critical realism at that time. His famous works such as Tess of the D’Urbervilles has the setting of agricultural region of the southern countries of England. He truthfully depicts the impoverishment and decay of small farmers who were hired as laborers. The rich landowners mercilessly exploited them. The author was pained to see their mysterious fate, which brings misfortune to human life.
  Many critics and scholars have been studying the novel and the author. On the basis of these materials, this paper is trying to do a tentative analysis on the causes of individual tragedy of the protagonist in the book: the social environment.
  Ⅰ.The decline of moral codes
  In the book, Hardy explores the effects of the unraveling of universally held moral codes, which have changed greatly from the past. Tess has a deep moral sensitivity, while Angel Clare, a person called an admiring spotlessness, hating impurity, is an intelligent young man, who has decided to become a farmer to preserve his intellectual freedom from the pressures of city life. He rejects the values handed on to him, and wants to set off in search of his own. His love for Tess, a mere milkmaid and his social inferior, is one expression of his disdain for tradition. But Angel floats above it in a transcendent sphere himself. When Tess forgives Angel and tells her sins and requests his forgiveness, Angel said “No”! Tess feels sad and requires the same forgiveness she should get, while Angel said more bitter words to her. According to the moral codes of Angel, a man doing wrong can be forgiven, but a woman will be put into hell forever. Angel is full of new ideas at that time, but with a traditional view of ethics and moral codes rooted in his deep heart and to see if a woman’s chastity or not. How hypocritical his moral codes are! Moreover, Alec seduces Tess as the serpent like Satan, he reveals in the story. There is frank acceptance in this admission and no shame. He represents a larger moral principle rather than a real individual man. This is the clear appearance of the decline of moral codes. So the moral codes at that time push Tess further to a tragedy.   Ⅱ. The decline of Christianity
  Tess is a beautiful, pure and simple country girl. But Alec brings about severe consequences to Tess, which influences her all through her life. After seducing Tess, Alec found excuses to push the responsibility to Tess through the story in Bible: just as Eve seduced Adam, Tess seduced Alec. In fact, it’s Alec who commits crimes and should be responsible for them. Even when he can’t control himself as a preacher, he said shamelessly to Tess “swear that you will never tempt me”. Tess suffers for crimes that are not her own. Even more sarcastically, later in the novel, Alec suddenly becomes an excellent fiery Christian man for preaching. Such a kind person can become a respectful priest, this is no doubt a great irony to the hypocritical Victorian Christianity. Tess represents fallen humanity in a religious sense as the frequent biblical allusions in the novel remind us. Tess thus represents what is known in Christian theology as original sin, the degraded state in which all humans live, even when --like Tess is the myth of the human who suffers for crimes that are not her own and lives a life more degraded than she deserves, which is her individual tragedy.
  In this paper, through the analysis of the reasons resulting in Tess’s individual tragedy, it can be summarized as the social environment, including the decline of moral codes and the decline of Christianity. Tess’s image is bright and her tragedy is beautiful, inevitable. So Tess’s story may be “standard” ones, representing a deeper and larger experience than that of a single individual. Although the author of this paper does a tentative analysis on the causes of individual tragedy in the book, because it is in the shortage of materials and knowledge limitation of the author, this subject should be continued further in future.
  [2]Brian Phillips.Tess[M].天津科技翻译出版公司,2003.
【摘要】增加高中生的英语阅读量是提高英语教学质量的重要手段,阅读优秀的英文名著有助于学生扩充词汇量、培养英语语感,是一种科学有效的英语学习方法。本文将分析当前高中生在英文名著阅读上存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的解决策略。  【关键词】高中生;英文名著阅读;教学  【作者简介】王玲燕,邹平县魏桥中学。  一、高中生简易英文名著阅读教学中的问题  1.英文名著选择不当。在英文名著的选择上,难度与
【摘要】群文閱读教学是由“单篇”转向“群文”的阅读教学。本文旨在揭示群文阅读的实质及探讨阅读教学现状及对策,并结合具体教案,提出切实可行的小学英语群文阅读教学策略。  【关键词】小学英语;群文阅读;教学策略  【作者简介】蒋莉(1998.01.17-),女,湖南岳阳人,湖南第一师范学院,学生,本科,研究方向:小学英语教育;(指导老师)孙军秀(1968.10-),女,湖南长沙人,副教授,研究生,研究
【摘要】英语做为一门语言类的学科,要通过口语对话、情境交流、互动讨论等形式,将英语的内容大胆的阐述出来,基于高职生的英语基础,鼓励学生发散思维,形成积极的课堂语言合作意识,通过彼此之间的自由交流,让每一名学生都参与到英语的辨析中来,形成独立的英语意识,集思广益的化解英语的难点,应用合作语言学习模式,强化高职生的英语素质。  【关键词】合作语言学习法;高职英语;教学;应用  【作者简介】高冬生,朔州
【摘要】随着教育的不断发展壮大,一些传统的教学模式正在逐渐被替代,激励性评价是初中英语课程中重要的课程组成,也是课程新标准的目标和要求,在初中英语教学中得到了广泛的应用。在学习过程中,激励性评价是激发学生内在潜能的重要手段,教师采用激励性语言评价学生,不仅能增强学生的自信心,还能充分调动学生学习的积极性,提高英语教学的效益,保障教学质量的完成。  【关键词】鼓励性评价;初中英语教学;应用研究  【
【摘要】批判性思维是创新能力的基础,也是高校人才培养目标的重要组成部分。在大学英语课堂教学中,有针对性地应用批判性思维培养策略,可以激发学生的创新思考能力,提高英语课堂教学实效和学生的英语核心素养。本文先阐述了批判性思维的概念及其在大学英语课堂应用的必要性,然后,重点对其具体应用策略进行了研究,希冀能为新形势下大学英语课堂教学实践提供一定参考。  【关键词】大学英语;批判性思维;英语课堂;课堂教学
【摘要】2017 新课标提出教学要以“素养为本”,教学评价应以素养为导向。基于核心素养视角对全国卷英语完形填空试题进行分析,总结高考英语完形填空试题特点,并得到相应的启示。  【关键词】试题分析;完形填空;方法技巧;学习能力  【作者简介】陈秋玉(1976.01-),女,汉族,福建长乐人,福建省福州市长乐二中,中学一级教师,本科,研究方向:高中英语教学。  《普通高中英语课程标准( 2017年版)
【摘要】近些年市场对应用型英语专业人才需求量持续增加,高校普遍引入校企合作模式,显著提升英语教学质量。文中以高校英语教学为切入点,探讨校企合作模式下推動英语教学模式改革的措施。  【关键词】校企合作;英语教学;改革措施  【作者简介】杨晓斐(1983.08-),女,辽宁大连人,大连东软信息学院讲师,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学硕士,研究方向:高校英语教学教法研究。  引言  随着我国对外贸易数量持续增加,对
【摘要】針对传统写作教学评价中存在的问题,本文结合教学案例分析了如何通过实现评价种类、评价标准、评价主体以及评价工具的多元化建立多元的写作教学评价体系。实践结果表明写作教学中的多元评价充分体现了学生的主体地位,激发学生对写作的兴趣,可以在一定程度上提高学生的写作水平。  【关键词】写作教学;多元评价;写作水平  【作者简介】朱云,江苏省睢宁高级中学。  一、引言  作为语言技能之一,写作既可以有效
【摘要】慕课作为一种新型的在线职业教育形式,对教学评价机制、课程教学模式以及教师能力的提升都产生了强烈的影响。高职学校可以尝试运用慕课教学,文章对慕课背景下高职英语教学面临的挑战及改革对策进行了探析。  【关键词】慕课;高职;英语;挑战;改革;对策  【作者简介】赵苏南(1978.06-),女,汉族,浙江紹兴人,南京金陵高等职业技术学校,讲师,英语专业,本科,研究方向: 高职英语教学。  前言  
【摘要】在初中英语教学中,阅读教学是非常重要的组成部分。针对目前初中英语阅读教学现状,教师应该采取有效的教学方式来激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。本文首先分析了初中英语阅读教学现状,然后针对如何提高初中英语阅读教学的有效性提出了几点策略。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;有效性  【作者简介】常悦,陕西省西安市西北工业大学附属中学。  前言  随着经济的发展和社会的进步,提升学生的英语水平