地处上海西区的南洋模范中学,困其悠久的历史,高质量的办学和卓著的成绩而闻名沪上。追本溯源,南洋模范中学是从南洋公学(交通大学的前身)1901年设立的附属小学演变发展而来的。因此,南洋模范中学与南洋公学有着深厚的历史渊源,要谈南洋模范中学的来历,得从南洋公学谈起。 南洋公学系清朝大臣盛宣怀于1896年创立。为解决师资与学生来源,公学先后于 1897年设立了师范院、外院(相当于小学),1898年设立了中院(相当于中学,1908中改称中学)。
Shanghai is located in the western region of Nanyang Model High School, sleepy its long history, high-quality schools and outstanding achievements and is famous in Shanghai. In retrospect, Nanyang Model High School has evolved from the affiliated elementary school established in 1901 in Nanyang National University (the predecessor of Jiaotong University). Therefore, Nanyang Model High School and Nanyang Public School have a profound historical origins, to talk about the origins of Nanyang Model High School, Nanyang Public School to start talking about. Shengong Huai, a minister of the Qing Dynasty of the Nanyang Public School, was founded in 1896. In order to solve the sources of teachers and students, the public school established the normal school and the external school (equivalent to primary school) in 1897 and the Intermediate School (equivalent to secondary school in 1908).