“Paris, capital of modernity” is a masterpiece of Harvey influenced by cultural studies. It can be said that it is the most subtle study of Marxist historical geography. His research, which fully absorbed the existing research results, dialectical historical geography materialism as the methodological guidance, starting from the critical political economy, across the boundaries of literature, sociology, history, geography and other disciplines, the capital , The time, the space, the city, and the experience factors of the people who lived in it as the key points of investigation, the important role played by the operation of capital seeking in urban renewal and the change of the civic experience in the city during this period, showing the second empire Period of Paris panorama, is to study the Second Empire of Paris city, literature and art and modernity important issues. Harvey, through the panoramic display of Paris during the Second Reich, and especially the Ottoman transformation of Paris, emphasized once again that modernity is a continuation rather than a break.