目的 探讨影响烧伤病人住院时间长短的因素 ,为烧伤二级预防的医学干预提供依据。方法 调查 790例烧伤患者 ,应用因子分析与Cox回归分析。结果 影响烧伤病人住院时间的因素有病人的入院方式 (X3 )、烧伤面积 (X4 )、烧伤深度 (X5)及烧伤至获得规范治疗的间隔时间 (X6) ;病人的年龄 (X1)和性别 (X2 )对住院时间的影响不明显。Cox比例风险模型为h (t) /h0 (t) =e( -0 .193 3F1 -0 .6176F2 -0 .1180F3) ,其中公因子Fi 与原变量的换算关系式为F1=- 0 .132X3 - 0 .0 0 9X4 +0 .6 5 5X5+0 .5 83X6,F2 =0 .0 19X3 +0 .875X4 +0 .2 5 7X5- 0 .2 94X6,F3 =1.0 10X3 +0 .0 2 5X4 -0 .176X5+0 .0 30X6,表明烧伤越深、面积越大、烧伤后延误治疗的时间越长 ,病人住院时间也越长 ;在病情相当时 ,急救车送医院者愈合较快。结论 烧伤后治疗的及时性是影响烧伤病人住院时间的主要预后因素之一 ,烧伤的二级预防工作需要加强
Objective To explore the factors influencing the duration of hospitalization for burn patients and provide basis for the medical intervention of secondary prevention of burn. Methods A total of 790 burn patients were investigated by factor analysis and Cox regression analysis. Results The factors influencing the length of hospital stay of patients with burn were the admission method (X3), the area of burn (X4), the depth of burn (X5) and the interval between burn and standard treatment (X6) X2) has no obvious effect on hospitalization time. Cox proportional hazard model is h (t) / h0 (t) = e (-0.193 3F1 -0.6176F2-0.11180F3), where the common factor Fi and the conversion of the original formula is F1 = - 0.132X3 - 0 .0 0 9X4 +0 .6 5 5X5 +0 .5 83X6, F2 = 0 .0 19X3 +0 .875X4 +0 .2 5 7X5-0.2. 94X6, F3 = 1.0 10X3 +0 .0 2 5X4 -0 .176X5 +0 .0 30X6, indicating that the deeper the burn, the greater the area, the longer the delay treatment after burn, the longer the patient hospitalization; when the condition is appropriate, the ambulance to the hospital who healed faster. Conclusion The timely treatment of post-burn treatment is one of the main prognostic factors that affect the hospital stay of burn patients. The secondary prevention of burn need to be strengthened