有了一系列的“?”,又找到了打开话匣子的钥匙,一般地说,采访要进行下去是没啥大问题的.但是,如果遇到难度较大的采访任务,要采访得深入、细致,挖掘出人物内心的“矿藏”,还要善于把“提问”变成“交谈”. 一次,我采访长期坚持在海岛工作同志的事迹.这位同志愿意谈,话匣子很快就打开了.我把头脑中装着的一长串“?”一个个往外拎,采访进行得挺顺利。可是事后发现,谈得确实不少(?)但都很一般,连有特点的语言也没有.那次稿子没有写好。
With a series of “?”, But also found the key to open the chatterbox, in general, the interview is going to be no big problem.However, if you encounter more difficult interview tasks, to interview in-depth and meticulous Digging out the “mineral deposits” of people’s hearts, and being good at turning “questions” into “conversations.” Once, I interviewed for a long time the deeds of working on island comrades, who was willing to talk and the chatterbox soon opened. The long list of “?” Pieces in my head went out one by one and the interview went very smoothly. However, afterwards, I discovered that I really did not talk too much about it (?), But I did not even have the characteristic language.