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2007年初,辽中县委、县政府审时度势,紧紧抓住省、市发展战略,提出了建设沈阳近海经济区的战略构想,并赢得了省、市委和政府的高度认同以及大力支持。面对千载难逢的历史性发展机遇,辽中县委、县政府以及47万辽中人,以感恩、务实、创新、进取的近海人精神,奋力拼搏,在短短的半年多的时间里,各项事业取得了突飞猛进的发展。辽中县委党校围绕县委、县政府这一中心工作,充分发挥其理论研究优势,就开发建设沈阳近海经济区的战略意义、发展辽中县现代物流业、打造优质投资环境等问题,精心组织教员深入实际进行了大量的调查研究,并形成了一系列研究成果。这些成果反映了建设沈阳近海经济区取得的阶段性成效,提出了一些可行性的对策和建议,对推动沈阳近海经济区建设和宣传沈阳近海经济区都将起到积极作用。本期我们汇编发表其部分研究成果。 Early 2007, Liaozhong county party committee and government examined the situation, firmly grasp the provincial and municipal development strategies, put forward the strategic concept of building Shenyang offshore economic zone, and won the provincial, municipal and government’s high degree of recognition and support. Faced with a rare historic development opportunity, Liaozhong county party committee and county government and 470,000 Liaozhongzhong people worked hard and struggled in a spirit of thanksgiving, pragmatism, innovation and enterprising. In just over half a year, all Career has made rapid progress. Liaozhong County Party Committee School around the county, county government work center, give full play to its theoretical advantages, on the development and construction of Shenyang coastal economic zone strategic significance, the development of modern logistics industry in Liaozhong County, to create high-quality investment environment and other issues, well-organized instructors In-depth a large number of investigations and studies, and formed a series of research results. These achievements reflect the phased achievements made in the construction of Shenyang Offshore Economic Zone and put forward some feasible measures and suggestions, which will play an active role in promoting the construction and publicity of Shenyang Offshore Economic Zone in Shenyang Offshore Economic Zone. This issue we compiled published some of its research results.
这是一节练习讲评课,练习中提到了这样一个问句:“What can a rabbit do?”一个学生回答:“A rabbit can run and jump.”“Great!”我给予了充分肯定,就在我准备讲解下一道
管理的真谛在于创新。就森工企业而言,应当从本企业实际出发,注重学习和研究国内外管理的新思维和新趋势,树立新的管理理念, The essence of management lies in innovation
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项目概述   该项目为发明专利,设计原理采用操作杆控制活塞、活塞筒,使阀门产生负压,将自来水出水管内部表水吸回地面冻层以下,从而保证冬天水龙头不会被冻上或冻坏。   产品特点   1.防冻。可以有效防止冬季户外水龙头被冻。   2.节水。比传统水龙头节水约20%。   3.使用寿命长。本产品采用的原材料为ABS工程塑料和医用硅胶,这些原材料的耐旱性强,所以水龙头的使用寿命较长。   4