据《Warship Technology》2015年5月刊报道,2015年3月英国国防部确认,BAE Systems已接受26型全球战斗护卫舰订货合同。设计用来代替现有23型护卫舰,26型护卫舰的长度将为149 m,排水量约6 000 t,将由CODLOG(柴油机电力推进或燃气轮机联合)推进装置驱动,续航力达7 000海里,最大航速至少26节,可容纳船员208人。
According to the May 2015 issue of “Warship Technology”, the British Ministry of Defense confirmed in March 2015 that BAE Systems has accepted the contract for the Type 26 Global Fighter Escort Order. Designed to replace the existing Type 23 frigate, the Type 26 frigate will have a length of 149 m and a displacement of about 6 000 t and will be powered by a CODLOG (Diesel Electric Propulsion or Gas Turbine Combi) propulsion unit with an endurance of 7,000 nautical miles and a maximum speed of at least 26 Festival, can accommodate 208 crew.