心系江河 中国是拥有众多河流的大河之国。中国人民祖祖辈辈热爱这些大河,离不开这些大河,从它们那里得到舟楫灌溉之利。中国人民也祖祖辈辈畏惧这些大河,怕它们放荡无羁,发起洪水,毁坏田园家园。 毛泽东早在第一次国内革命战争时期和土地革命战争时期就十分重视治理江河、发展水利、消除水患。1919年7月,毛泽东指出:“世界什么问题最大?吃饭问题最大。”要解决吃饭问题,必须发展农业;要发展农业,必须解决好农业生
Heart of rivers China is a country with many rivers. The Chinese people love these great rivers for generations, and they can not do without these great rivers and receive the benefits of the irrigation of the boats and pines from them. The Chinese people are also dreadful of these great rivers by ancestors, fearing that they will be free and easy, launching floods and destroying pastoral homes. As early as the first Revolutionary Civil War and the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Mao Zedong paid great attention to the management of the rivers, the development of water conservancy and the elimination of flooding. In July 1919 Mao Zedong pointed out: “What is the biggest problem in the world? The issue of eating is greatest.” To solve the problem of eating, we must develop agriculture. To develop agriculture, we must solve the problem of agricultural students