Mattias Rask和Tor Palm,两位来自瑞典的年轻设计师,诗意而又调皮地自称其为“瑞典设计二重奏”,立志与全世界艺术家、手工艺人们一起,在设计灵感和手工艺的相互碰撞中,创造独特、富于情感的创意作品。他们一拍即合,创建了GLIMPT设计工作室。两位年轻的设计师有着远大的志向和一脑子的灵感,却缺乏足够支持项目启动的资金,他们四方筹款,在GLlMPT网站上,便可以看到“Now we are looking for finances to go to PeruInterested in supporting?”(我们正在寻求秘鲁项目的经济支持,有兴趣吗?)这样充满自信和朝气的“招商”信息。这种自信并非虚张声势。从GLIMPT已经完成的项目South AfricaandVietnam中,可以看出他们在基于某种特定文化背景下,对传统手工艺和现代设计的思考和实践。在这些项目中,他们通过实地接触文化和手工艺,与当地设计师、手工艺人进行沟通,完成了项目的两个系列作品:在越南完成的“超级英雄”(superheros),以及在南非完成的“禁果”(Forbidden Fruit)。“超级英雄”和“禁果”均有着来源于当地生活、文化中的真实内在(包括选用当地手工制作的传统材料),在形式上,绚丽的色彩、奇异的造型和富于想象力的名字,则标示着现代设计雕琢的痕迹。
Mattias Rask和Tor Palm这对“二重奏”似乎谱写了不错的前奏,而接下来的篇章,是否能继续悦耳?至少我们知道,他们对自身设计的方向定位有着先知先觉的计划:在如此多元的文化中。必定有着不竭的创作素材。为他们的设计找到了灵感的源泉。当然,这绝不是一劳永逸的选择,他们需要面对的挑战,即是如何避免机械地融合传统与现代、手工艺和设计,以更具想法的设计思维,创造“1+1>2”的“加法魔术”,我们拭目以待。
IN:What is the concept of yourdesign work?
OUT:To work with artlsans in differentcountrles,and thruu the combination ofdesign and crafts make interestmng productswith an involvement at a deeper level.
IN:For what reason that makesyou convey the rich region color andunique national flavor in your designwo rks?Are those your interestedtopics?
OUT:Yes.we most definetly find colors andpattems in different cultures and countrysinterestmg,inspiring and intriguing,TheDroducts get an interesting story and anexplicit look that they wouldn''t get if we madethem back home in bweaen.
IN:Do you take great attentionto the traditional elements in yourdesign?What tradition means to you?How to utilize traditional elementsbetter in modern design?
OUT:No,not reallu,we often find tradition aninspiring source,but then we remake and putin other elements to come up with somethingcontemporary[that will hopefully stand thetest of time.]
IN:Why do you choose South Africaand Vietnam as the names for theseries?
OUT:The series aren''t named South Africaand Vietnam,but the projects are,and that''ssimply because that''s where the projectshave taken place,to give a direct sender of theprojects I guess. 其实这个系列的产品并不是叫做SouthAfrica and Vietnam,这是创造该系列的项目名称。因为这个项目是在南非和越南完成。我想是作为一种很直接的纪念或者记号吧。
IN:Your design works are characterizedby Local handicraft,and how did youcommunicate with the locat craftsmen?
OUT:In South Africa they speak englishin Vietnam we had people translating,Andworking with ones hands is a very good wayOf commumcatmg when you can''t speak thesame language,We look at their work,getinspired and then come uD with a design,Offcourse we have to understand their crafts,butwe also like to push them further in their work,that''s when things get interesting!
IN:Will you go back to Pure?Areyou still looking for financial support?Did you get financial support for allyour compLeted projects?
OUT:Yes,we will go to Peru,We have finallyfound enough money to go there And yes,to perform our projects we have applied forscholarships and such,since it costs a lot ofmoney to do proJects like this,Mostly regionaland Swedish craft funds have financed us.
IN:Have you ever considered designingnew works which are base on ChinesetraditionaL handicraft?
OUT:NO,not yet,but we are interested ineverything!!
IN:Your design works can be seenin the market,does it mean that yourworks are mass-produced?SO how doyou distribute the profit?
OUT:I wouldn''t say mass-produced,but ina reasonabIe scale that the craftsmen candeliwee We work directly with the producersand craftsmen,so they get a commlsslonbased salaru like we do.
IN:What is the plan in the future?请问你们未来的计划是什么呢?
OUT:To keep on doingwhatwe are doing!
Mattias Rask和Tor Palm,两位来自瑞典的年轻设计师,诗意而又调皮地自称其为“瑞典设计二重奏”,立志与全世界艺术家、手工艺人们一起,在设计灵感和手工艺的相互碰撞中,创造独特、富于情感的创意作品。他们一拍即合,创建了GLIMPT设计工作室。两位年轻的设计师有着远大的志向和一脑子的灵感,却缺乏足够支持项目启动的资金,他们四方筹款,在GLlMPT网站上,便可以看到“Now we are looking for finances to go to PeruInterested in supporting?”(我们正在寻求秘鲁项目的经济支持,有兴趣吗?)这样充满自信和朝气的“招商”信息。这种自信并非虚张声势。从GLIMPT已经完成的项目South AfricaandVietnam中,可以看出他们在基于某种特定文化背景下,对传统手工艺和现代设计的思考和实践。在这些项目中,他们通过实地接触文化和手工艺,与当地设计师、手工艺人进行沟通,完成了项目的两个系列作品:在越南完成的“超级英雄”(superheros),以及在南非完成的“禁果”(Forbidden Fruit)。“超级英雄”和“禁果”均有着来源于当地生活、文化中的真实内在(包括选用当地手工制作的传统材料),在形式上,绚丽的色彩、奇异的造型和富于想象力的名字,则标示着现代设计雕琢的痕迹。
Mattias Rask和Tor Palm这对“二重奏”似乎谱写了不错的前奏,而接下来的篇章,是否能继续悦耳?至少我们知道,他们对自身设计的方向定位有着先知先觉的计划:在如此多元的文化中。必定有着不竭的创作素材。为他们的设计找到了灵感的源泉。当然,这绝不是一劳永逸的选择,他们需要面对的挑战,即是如何避免机械地融合传统与现代、手工艺和设计,以更具想法的设计思维,创造“1+1>2”的“加法魔术”,我们拭目以待。
IN:What is the concept of yourdesign work?
OUT:To work with artlsans in differentcountrles,and thruu the combination ofdesign and crafts make interestmng productswith an involvement at a deeper level.
IN:For what reason that makesyou convey the rich region color andunique national flavor in your designwo rks?Are those your interestedtopics?
OUT:Yes.we most definetly find colors andpattems in different cultures and countrysinterestmg,inspiring and intriguing,TheDroducts get an interesting story and anexplicit look that they wouldn''t get if we madethem back home in bweaen.
IN:Do you take great attentionto the traditional elements in yourdesign?What tradition means to you?How to utilize traditional elementsbetter in modern design?
OUT:No,not reallu,we often find tradition aninspiring source,but then we remake and putin other elements to come up with somethingcontemporary[that will hopefully stand thetest of time.]
IN:Why do you choose South Africaand Vietnam as the names for theseries?
OUT:The series aren''t named South Africaand Vietnam,but the projects are,and that''ssimply because that''s where the projectshave taken place,to give a direct sender of theprojects I guess. 其实这个系列的产品并不是叫做SouthAfrica and Vietnam,这是创造该系列的项目名称。因为这个项目是在南非和越南完成。我想是作为一种很直接的纪念或者记号吧。
IN:Your design works are characterizedby Local handicraft,and how did youcommunicate with the locat craftsmen?
OUT:In South Africa they speak englishin Vietnam we had people translating,Andworking with ones hands is a very good wayOf commumcatmg when you can''t speak thesame language,We look at their work,getinspired and then come uD with a design,Offcourse we have to understand their crafts,butwe also like to push them further in their work,that''s when things get interesting!
IN:Will you go back to Pure?Areyou still looking for financial support?Did you get financial support for allyour compLeted projects?
OUT:Yes,we will go to Peru,We have finallyfound enough money to go there And yes,to perform our projects we have applied forscholarships and such,since it costs a lot ofmoney to do proJects like this,Mostly regionaland Swedish craft funds have financed us.
IN:Have you ever considered designingnew works which are base on ChinesetraditionaL handicraft?
OUT:NO,not yet,but we are interested ineverything!!
IN:Your design works can be seenin the market,does it mean that yourworks are mass-produced?SO how doyou distribute the profit?
OUT:I wouldn''t say mass-produced,but ina reasonabIe scale that the craftsmen candeliwee We work directly with the producersand craftsmen,so they get a commlsslonbased salaru like we do.
IN:What is the plan in the future?请问你们未来的计划是什么呢?
OUT:To keep on doingwhatwe are doing!