“二丫”不是人,是一条退役的雌性军犬。2000年转隶至沈空某副食品基地,受到主任钟伦鹏的百般疼爱,爱人来队看到这种情况,就开玩笑说:“你对她像对自己家丫头一样亲,干脆就叫它二丫吧。”这样,“二丫”这个名字在官兵中叫开。“二丫”的到来不仅给官兵带来了欢笑,还立下不少新功。 稻草“保卫战” 基地种植了近3000亩水稻,钟主任看到塑料大棚上的保温帘是一个很好的市场,决定引进草帘加工设备。可一到秋天,堆积如山的草堆成了耗子们的乐园,被耗子嗑过的稻草,编出的帘子也卖不上好价钱。“二丫”看到这种情况,主动担当起保卫稻草的任务。有时,她一晚上能逮20多只耗子。光依靠“二丫”还不能从根本上解决问题。最后全体官兵决定集体行动,由“二丫”担任“首攻”,对“敌”进行心理恐吓,听到“二丫”
“Two Ah” is not a man, is a retired female army dog. In 2000, transferred to a non-staple food base in Shenyang, by Zhong Lunpeng director of all sorts of love, love to team to see this situation, jokingly said: “You are like her girl on the same pro, simply call it two ya ”So, the name“ Er Ya ”is called among officers and soldiers. The arrival of “Ah Ah” not only brought laughter to the officers and men, but also made a lot of new contributions. Straw “defend the war” base planted nearly 3,000 acres of rice, Zhongzhu Ren saw the plastic greenhouse insulation curtain is a good market, the decision to introduce straw processing equipment. But in the autumn, the mountainous heaps of haystacks have become paradise for rats, and the drapes worn by rats can not be sold at good prices. “Er Ya” see this situation, take the initiative to take up the task of defending the straw. Sometimes she can catch more than 20 rats a night. Light rely on “two Ah” can not fundamentally solve the problem. In the end, all officers and men decided to take collective action and “Erh” served as the “first attack” to psychological intimidate the “enemy” and heard “Er Ya”