现代机车的结构应该考虑各种要求:必须有足够的空间去安装各种电气部件,提供机车乘务员以十分良好的环境,遇意外事故时能保护司机的安全,重量应尽可能轻,最后还要考虑机车限界。电力机车应根据所定线路的特殊运用要求来设计。例如TGV(法国高速电动车组)是为在巴黎—里昂间运行时间要少于二小时而设计的安装的动力和电气装置都是直接根据这个要求而定的。由于电气设备是经优化选定了的,用在机车上已没有减轻重量的余地了。故对机车结构重量有极苛刻的要求。 1.结构刚度 1.1机车结构大体上是按车上的设备设
The structure of a modern locomotive should consider various requirements: there must be sufficient space for the installation of various electrical components, a very good environment for locomotive flight attendants, the protection of drivers in the event of an accident, the weight being as light as possible, and finally Consider locomotive limits. Electric locomotive should be designed according to the specific requirements of the line. For example, the TGV (French high speed EMU) is designed to be installed for less than two hours between the Paris-Lyon power and electrical installations directly according to this requirement. Since the electrical equipment was optimized, there was no room for weight reduction on the locomotive. Therefore, the weight of the locomotive structure has very harsh requirements. 1. Structural rigidity 1.1 locomotive structure is generally based on the car equipment