Advanced prediction for multiple disaster sources of laneway under complicated geological conditions

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jijipanji
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The driving safety in the laneway is often controlled by multiple disaster sources which include fault fracture zone, water-bearing body, goaf and collapse column. The advanced prediction of them has become a hotspot. Based on analysis of physical characteristics of the disaster sources and comparative evaluation of accuracy of the main advanced geophysical detection methods, we proposed a comprehen- sive judging criterion that tectonic interface can be judged by the elastic wave energy anomaly, strata water abundance can be discriminated by apparent resistivity response difference and establish a reason- able advanced prediction system. The results show that the concealed disaster sources are detected effec- tively with the accuracy rate of 80% if we use advanced prediction methods of integrated geophysics combined with correction of seismic and electromagnetic parameters, moreover, applying geological data, we may then distinguish types of the disaster sources and fulfill the qualitative forecast. Therefore, the advanced prediction system pays an important referential and instructive role in laneway driving project. The driving safety in the laneway is often controlled by multiple disaster sources which include fault fracture zone, water-bearing body, goaf and collapse column. The advanced prediction of them has become a hotspot. Based on analysis of physical characteristics of the disaster sources and comparative evaluation of accuracy of the main advanced geophysical detection methods, we proposed a comprehen- sive judging criterion that tectonic interface can be judged by the elastic wave energy anomaly, strata water abundance can be discriminated by apparent resistivity response difference and establish a reason- able advanced results show that the concealed disaster sources are detected effec tively with the accuracy rate of 80% if we use advanced prediction methods of integrated geophysics combined with correction of seismic and electromagnetic parameters, moreover, apply geological data, we may then distinguish types of the disaster sources and fulfill the qualita tive forecast. Therefore, the advanced prediction system pays an important referential and instructive role in laneway driving project.
本文提出了用肖特基低势垒二极管检波器检测功率的六端口测量系统整体校准的新方法。根据六端口相对功率理论即对某一负载各端口相对功率比值不随输入功率变化 ,由最小二乘法