In medicine, for convenience, some parts of the human body are called “triangles”. These “triangles” play a very important role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. However, some of them are troublesome and some are dangerous. Therefore, Watch out and be kind to you. Triangular triangle, also known as the dangerous triangle, is formed by the nasal root and mouth at both sides of the triangle line. In this area, such as the occurrence of pustules, swollen or skin infections, etc., must not pick, tick or squeeze, otherwise it will bacteria along the internal canthal vein and ophthalmic vein into the cavernous veins, causing suppurative Cavernous sinusitis, appear to extend the eye and surrounding tissue of the progressive redness and induration, and even headache, shivering, fever, neck stiffness, coma and other meningitis symptoms, resulting in death. However, people in this region, Ying Ying, to warehouse and other points commonly used in the treatment of cold nasal congestion or syncope