【摘 要】
JANGXI cuisine (Jiangxi is a province in southeast China and called Gan for short) has no position among the regional cuisines in China. This is not because Ga
JANGXI cuisine (Jiangxi is a province in southeast China and called Gan for short) has no position among the regional cuisines in China. This is not because Gan dishes are not tasty, but because they have no distinctive features and few of them are representative or famous. Yet this became the style of Jiangxi cuisine. The multiplicity of food choices in
This is not because Gan dishes are not tasty, but because they have no distinctive features and few of them are representative or famous. Yet this became the style of Jiangxi cuisine. The multiplicity of food choices in
My name is sea cabbage, also called stone bream. Chinese cabbage growing on the groun
时下一种崭新的家庭理念正在悄然出现,其中较为突出的表现就是—家庭掀起新一轮的“独立运动”。 过去家庭“男主外,女主内”,丈夫挣钱回家,妻子当家理财是司空见惯的事情,
1 相传杜康在河南伊川发明造酒以后,因遭水灾,全家迁往江苏镇江.
According to legend, Dukang in Henan Yichuan invented brewing, because of flooding, the family mov
人的一生,几乎有1/3的时间是在床上度过的。一个舒适的睡眠环境离不开优雅的卧室和良好的卧具,这样才能使人们真正享受到睡眠的乐趣,从而促进身心健康。 先说卧室。从健康角
香菇、猴头、大蒜、红白萝卜、菱角、动物肝等食物有抗癌作用。白萝卜含有一种木质素还能提高巨噬细胞的活力,把癌变细胞吞噬掉。菱角也有治疗胃癌及食道癌等效果。 健康牛
一、调好压力 液化石油气在燃烧过程中,如果气压过大,火焰会飘浮在火眼的上方燃烧,这种现象叫脱焰。这不仅浪费了液化气,而且还很容易灭火。应该关闭开关,待压力调整好后再