革故鼎新 协力耕耘——致读者作者

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发完1989年第12期稿,《农业机械》编辑部的时间表上。就是1990年了。值此辞旧布新之际,编辑部全体同志向诸位致以衷心的敬意。全国农业机械化工作会议已降下帷幕,这是农机界的一件大事。1990年,本刊将围绕“贯彻全国农业机械化工作会议精神”这一中心,重点做好以下工作:继续宣传农业机械化的地位和作用、农业机械化与农村经济发展(特别是提高粮食产量)的关系,并对农业机械化服务(包括乡村服务组织建设、农机检测)、农机更新、农机价格等问题进行探索性报道;推广新技术、新机具,重点介绍那些已经实践检验、行之有效的农机应用技术(包括农艺措施)及其相应的配套农机具;根据农时季节,时现有农业机械,尤其对一些量大面广的,已在生产中推广使用的农业机械的管理、使用和维护、改装、节能、安全生产等经验进行介绍。 Finished the 12th issue of 1989 draft, “agricultural machinery” editorial department schedule. It was 1990. On this occasion, all the editors of the editorial department extend my sincerest regards to you. The national conference on agricultural mechanization has come to a close, which is a major event for the agricultural machinery industry. In 1990, we will focus on the following key tasks: Carrying out the spirit of the conference on agricultural mechanization in our country; focusing on the status and role of agricultural mechanization, agricultural mechanization and rural economic development (especially increasing grain output) (Including the construction of rural service organizations, testing of agricultural machinery), updating of farm machinery and prices of farm machinery, etc., exploring new technologies and new tools, and highlighting those agricultural machinery that have been tested in practice and are effective Application of technology (including agronomic measures) and their corresponding supporting agricultural machinery; according to the season of agriculture, the existing agricultural machinery, especially for some large amount of extensive, has been promoted in the production of agricultural machinery management, use and maintenance, Modification, energy saving, safety production and other experiences are introduced.
实质追索大千世界无所不包 ,无所不变 .时间在变 ,温度在变 ,体积在变 ,… ,一切都在改变 .这些变化互相影响、互相制约、互相促进 .怎样来体验、来认识这些变化 ,并从中获得
伟大的人民教育家陶行知一生都在努力践行着自己的“教人求真、学做真人”的德育理想。如今“千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人”已成为我们行知人的一种教育理想与 The g
动物比喻汉语和英语中都有大量的比喻,然而,理解另一种语言的比喻往往并不容易。学习英语的学生可能碰上这样的句子:“You chicken!” he cried looking at Tomwith contempt