苹果小吉丁虫又名串皮虫,以幼虫蛀食苹果树枝干皮层为害,是苹果树一种毁灭性害虫。由于幼虫潜隐,成虫羽化期长,一旦发生往往2~3年全园毁灭。我们经过数年探索,总结了一种“开沟涂药综合防治技术”,通过大面积推广防治取得成功,对初发展果园达到了“当年基本消灭,两年完全干净”。 苹果小吉丁虫幼虫蛀食枝干皮层的隧道呈横向扁平椭圆形,横向长度最小3~5厘米以上。每隔3厘米纵剖枝干皮层时即可切开虫隧,在纵剖沟涂药后,药沟和虫隧相通,农药沿隧道蔓延扩散到虫体,使幼虫触杀、薰蒸致死。渗入果树皮层的农药还有胃毒药效,可毒杀尚未切开虫隧的幼虫。
Apple small jilin insects, also known as Trichocrocistelidae larvae eating apple tree trunk cortex damage, is a devastating apple pest. As the larvae latent latent period of adult emergence, in the event of the park is often 2-3 years of destruction. After years of exploration, we summed up a “comprehensive prevention and control technology for trenching and coating,” and achieved success through large-scale popularization and control of prevention and control. We achieved the goal of “basically eradicating that year and completely clean in two years”. Small apple budworm larvae wormwood branch cortex tunnel flat horizontal oval, horizontal length of at least 3 to 5 cm above. Longitudinally every 3 cm longitudinal branch cortex can cut open worm tunnel, the longitudinal profile ditch after coating, the drug ditch and worm tunnel connected, pesticide spread along the tunnel spread to the worms, the larvae touch kill fumigation death. Pesticides infiltrated into the fruit cortex also stomach poison effect, can poison kill larvae have not yet cut tunnels.