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  Versatile venue
  The Hofburg Vienna’s fantastic mix of events each year highlights its versatility as a venue, which has earned it a place among the leaders on the Austrian and international market. Around 57 percent of revenue is accounted for by congresses, corporate meetings and OSCE conferences. National and international banquets, the secondlargest segment, make up 11 percent of the total. These two segments also generate the largest contribution margins. Ball events contributed 12 percent of operating profit. The New Year’s Eve ball – a proprietary event held at the venue since the company’s foundation and relaunched as the Hofburg Silvesterball in 2014 – accounts for an impressive 10 percent of revenue. Fairs and exhibitions generate around 7 percent of the total, while concerts account for around 3 percent of profit. Around two thirds of events have an international dimension to them, with this category representing an important source of income for the Viennese economy and the city’s hotel industry in particular. Each year, between 300,000 and 330,000 participants attend the 300-320 events and meetings held by the OSCE at the Hofburg.
  Let’s waltz!
  During the ball season at the Hofburg Vienna, which runs from January to March, ballgoers glide across the dancefloors to the sounds of the waltz at 19 famous events. Around 60,000 ball fans from all over Austria and the rest of the world experience Viennese ball tradition at its finest in the opulent state rooms of the Hofburg each year, boosting the city’s tourism sector in the process. On 31 December 2018, around 2,500 guests from 45 countries rang in the New Year in style at the Hofburg Silvesterball.The Viennese ball season continues to dazzle with an exceptional variety of events.
  Highlights include the sweet Zuckerb?ckerball, the rocking WU, TU and BOKU student balls, and events with a distinctly Austrian flavour such as the J?gerball and the Steirerball where guests dress in traditional Alpine fashion. And then come the classics like the Wiener ?rzteball, Juristenball and the Ball der Pharmacie. Each and every one has a charm all of its own that guarantees a captivating and memorable night’s entertainment.
  With more than 2,000 hours of dancing and celebrations, the ball season is not just a highlight of the Viennese cultural calendar – it is also a major contributor to the local and national economy. The former imperial residence is the most popular ball venue in the nation’s capital. On average, guests spend EUR 275 on a night at the ball. As the host of a wide variety of ball events once again in 2019, the Hofburg Vienna plays a major part in the sector’s success, and will help to drive up the number of overnight stays in the city thanks to its unique atmosphere.
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记者:请您介绍一下会议中心的基础设施。  Alan Pryor:作为马来西亚屡获殊荣的专业会展场馆,吉隆坡会议中心共有22659平米的可灵活布局的空间,包括可容纳3000人的大礼堂、可容纳2000位用餐者的大宴会厅,以及总面积达12310平米的5个展厅和23个会议室等。  会议中心毗邻马来西亚的地标性建筑双子塔。前来参会的嘉宾可以享受周边丰富多元的娱乐、餐饮与娱乐服务。另外,在会议中心步行数分钟的