在进入新世纪以后,中国的营销发生了很大的变化,受到了非常严峻的挑战,特别是最近加入WTO以后,中国的整个市场环境都发生了变化。在这种情况下,市场营销学的发展前景将会发生什么变化?我想从三个方面进行探讨一、中国营销所面临的挑战 (一)全球经济。江泽民同志说,“经济全球化是不可逆转的历史潮流。”在这个历史潮流面前,我们看到了中国经济实际上已经发展了巨大的变化,我们的企业不可避免地受到全球经济的冲击,因为跨国公司在全球经济中占据了独特的地位,她对全球的战
After entering the new century, China’s marketing has undergone great changes and has been challenged with great challenges. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO recently, the entire market environment in China has changed. In this case, the marketing of the development prospects of what will happen? I would like to explore from three aspects First, the challenges facing China’s marketing (A) the global economy. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: “Economic globalization is an irreversible historical trend.” In the face of this historical trend, we have seen that the Chinese economy has in fact undergone tremendous changes. Our enterprises are inevitably affected by the global economy, Because multinational corporations occupy a unique position in the global economy, her global war