论述了石油钻头用EX3 0 ( 15CrNiMo)、SN2 0 2 5 ( 15MnNi4Mo)钢的生产工艺和性能研究 ,阐明本钢 (集团 )特殊钢公司采用炉外精炼 +真空脱气工艺冶炼此钢 ,具有纯洁度高、晶粒均匀细小、淬透带窄的特点和良好的综合性能
The production technology and properties of EX3 0 (15CrNiMo) and SN2 025 (15MnNi4Mo) steel for oil drill are discussed. It is clarified that the special steel company of Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) specializes in smelting this steel by furnace refining and vacuum degassing process, High degree of uniform and fine grains, hardened with narrow features and good overall performance