目的通过志愿者小组与医疗门诊合作,解决男男同性性行为(MSM)人群中性病患者转介难、治疗难、费用高的问题,并及早发现HIV/性病患者,降低二代传播风险。方法 2011年11月-2012年10月由志愿者小组在MSM人群中不定期举办有性病/艾滋病防治知识宣传的交友活动,向参加者发放性病防治和转介服务宣传单。对照宣传单,自我诊断怀疑患有性病的患者,凭此宣传单可以到指定的医疗机构就诊。选定的医疗机构为患者提供收费优惠和规范性病诊疗以及免费的HIV检测、心理咨询和健康教育。结果 1年来,指定的医疗机构门诊接诊持转介单前来咨询、检测性病/艾滋病的MSM共1 282人,1 223人接受检测,确证HIV17人,诊断治疗各类性病145人。项目经费投入5万余元。结论志愿者小组与社区卫生服务中心合作有利于及早发现艾滋病/性病患者,减少二代传播。
Objective To solve the problem of difficult referral, high cost and difficult referral of STD patients among MSM population by cooperation of volunteer team and medical clinic, and to detect early HIV / STD patients and reduce the second generation transmission risk. Methods From November 2011 to October 2012, volunteer groups held occasional sexual activities / HIV / AIDS prevention and information popularization activities among MSM people and distributed leaflets on STD prevention and referral services to participants. Control leaflets, self-diagnosis of suspected STD patients, with the leaflets can go to the designated medical institutions. Selected health facilities provide patients with fee-based treatment and prescriptive disease clinics as well as free HIV testing, counseling and health education. Results In the past year, 1 282 MSM of STD / AIDS patients and 1 223 people were tested and confirmed HIV17, 145 were diagnosed and treated for various STDs. Project funding of 50,000 yuan. Conclusion The cooperation between the volunteer group and the community health service center is conducive to the early detection of AIDS / STD patients and the reduction of second-generation transmission.