在中国960万平方公里的土地上,聚居着56个民族、12.95亿炎黄子孙。中国已建立起比较完整的工业体系,手工业以技术精湛闻名于世,而农业则是国民经济中的基础产业,粮食、棉花、糖料、油料和茶叶等农产品产量居世界前列。全国已建成铁路、公路、水运和航空为主的交通运输网络。公路通过里程达到140万多公里,公路通车里程位居世界第四,其中高速公路总里程11605公里,跃居世界第三。 中国汽车工业起步较晚,现已经形成一汽、东风、上汽、首汽、天汽等汽车公司为主体的汽车工业体系。到1998年,中国
On the land of 9.6 million square kilometers in China, there are 56 ethnic groups and 12.95 billion Chinese descendants. China has established a relatively complete industrial system. Handicrafts are famous for their technical skills. However, agriculture is a basic industry in the national economy. The output of such agricultural products as grain, cotton, sugar, oil and tea ranks among the highest in the world. The country has built railways, highways, water transport and aviation-based transport network. The highway has reached more than 1.4 million kilometers by mileage and the highway has the fourth largest mileage in the world. The total mileage of the expressway is 11,605 kilometers, ranking third in the world. China’s auto industry started relatively lately and has now formed an automobile industrial system with FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC, FAW and Tianqi as its mainstay. By 1998, China