不要轻易预言爱立信的倒下,它还拥有许多我们想像不到的能量.“,”Both Moodysand S&P have ban--ished Ericsson to theback shelf in Julythis year. The fi-nance of the giantmanufacturer intelecommunicationequipment became worse in the thirdquarter this year, It seems the hob-bling century old giant is near totumble. However. it is also notorious that Wall Street has a bad habitto pay too much attention to theperformance on the balance sheet ofa firm in the present period. Can apaper of balance sheet show us clearlythe energy such a company--witha history of 126 years and once mak-ing up 30% of Swedish GDP--canmaneuver? To go out of the financial pre-dicament, Kurt Hellstrom, CEO ofEricsson, has launched a nearly crazyplan to control costs, Moreover,Ericsson is quietly trying to emulateIntel and move from “made” to“inside” . No doubt, it would be along way for Ericsson to subvertthe established rules of the industryand achieve the goal of “Ericssoninside”in global mobile telecommunication.