1990年10月1日,中国第一部《行政诉讼法》即将实施,从此以后,我们大家都有机会充当“原告”或“被告”,不仅仅是——“民告官”? 温州市苍南县县城沸沸扬扬,人们奔走相告,村民包郑照要告县长黄德余啦! 1988年8月,中华人民共和国第一例民告官案在苍南县县城的灵溪电影院开庭。上午9时。灵溪镇象过节般热闹。1000多个座位的电影院这时已座无虚席。据说,进电影院旁听此案审判的旁听证的黑市价每张
On October 1, 1990, China’s first “Administrative Procedure Law” was about to be implemented. Since then, we all have the opportunity to act as “plaintiffs” or “defendants”, not just “civil supreme officials.” Wenzhou Cangnan In August 1988, the first case of people’s republic of China filed a court case in Lingxi cinema in Cangnan county seat. 9 o’clock in the morning. Lingxi Town, like a holiday as lively. The movie theater, which has more than 1,000 seats, was empty. It is said that each of the black market prices of the side-by-side hearings in the cinema listening to the trial of the case