无症状心衰是一个新的医学名词,是指心室肥厚和某些血液动力学的异常,但在此时活动耐力无降低,患者无心衰症状,是显性心衰的前驱,若未能采取积极治疗的干预性措施,迟早会发展为显性心衰,一旦出现显性心衰预后极差,目前报道极少。本文就我院92年收治高血压冠心病患者符合无症状心衰者76例,进行分析做诊断探讨。 1 诊断条件 1.1 有明确的高血压冠心病史,入院诊断符合WHO关于高血压冠心病的诊断标准。 1.2 临床有原发病症状,如头晕、心绞痛或心律失常等而无心衰症状,如劳山性胸闷,气短、呼吸困难及夜间阵发性呼吸困难等。 1.3 心电图,彩色多普勒及胸大征提示有左房扩大、左室扩大,心室肥厚,舒张功能不全(在超声多普勒上表现为A峰>E峰)及收缩功能不全,射血分数低于50%,无肺淤血的X线表现。
Asymptomatic heart failure is a new medical term, refers to ventricular hypertrophy and some hemodynamic abnormalities, but activity at this time no reduction in endurance, patients without heart failure symptoms, is the precursor of dominant heart failure, if not To take active treatment intervention measures, sooner or later will develop into a dominant heart failure, in the event of a poor prognosis of dominant heart failure, is currently reported very little. In this paper, 92 cases of hypertensive patients with coronary heart disease in our hospital in line with 76 cases of asymptomatic heart failure, analysis of diagnosis. 1 diagnostic conditions 1.1 have a clear history of hypertension coronary heart disease, admission diagnosis in line with WHO diagnostic criteria for hypertension coronary heart disease. 1.2 clinical symptoms of the original disease, such as dizziness, angina or arrhythmia without heart failure symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea. 1.3 ECG, color Doppler and chest X-ray prompted a left atrial enlargement, left ventricular enlargement, ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction (in the Doppler ultrasound showed A peak> E peak) and systolic dysfunction, ejection fraction Less than 50%, no pulmonary congestion X-ray performance.