我们在每年工作结束之后,要将上一年度形成的文件进行立卷工作,但是文件的名称、作者、时间各不相同,内容千头万绪,怎样才能在一个案卷内有次序地反映卷内文件不同内容呢? 我们常常讲文件本身所具有的特征(即问题、时间、名称、作者、通讯者和地区等六个特征),根据不同情况应用六个特征组成案卷,卷内文件排列也就有不同的排列方法,如可按时间、问题、地区、作者、
After the end of each year of work, we have to form the documents we have formed in the previous year. However, the name, author and time of the documents vary from one thing to another. How can we reflect the order of the volumes within a case? Different contents of documents? We often talk about the characteristics of the document itself (that is, the problem, time, name, author, correspondent and the region, six characteristics), according to different circumstances, the application of six features constitute the case file, There are different arrangements, such as by time, issue, region, author,