二战后 ,资本主义的产业组织关系发生了新的变化 ,即垄断资本主义经济开始由规模垄断主导的市场结构向技术垄断的市场结构转变 ,以技术优势为主导、技术和规模的内在统一 ,是企业寻求市场控制、增强竞争力的主要方式。在技术垄断形态下 ,日益加剧的竞争充分证明了列宁关于垄断竞争关系论述的正确性。垄断与竞争不是对立的 ,而是统一的。当代资本主义在存在停滞趋势的同时 ,也存在生产力加速发展的趋势
After World War II, there was a new change in the industrial relations of capitalism. That is, the monopoly capitalist economy began to shift from a market structure dominated by monopoly monopolies to a market monopolized by technology. The technological unification dominated the internal unification of technology and scale. Enterprises seek market control, enhance the competitiveness of the main ways. Under the form of technological monopoly, the increasingly intensified competition fully proves the correctness of Lenin’s discourse on monopolistic competition. Monopoly and competition are not antagonistic, but unified. While there are stagnant trends in contemporary capitalism, there is also a trend of accelerating the development of productive forces