我区地处北京高科技园区,大专院校和科研院所云集,婴儿父母的文化水平较高,对于新知识,新的科学育儿理念较易接受。为了解本地区婴儿的智能发育情况,我们用丹佛氏发育筛查法(简称DDST)对187名4月龄婴儿的智能发育进行检查。 对象与方法 1.对象:1999年8月~2000年5月在我院出生月龄4个月(±3d)、足月、出生体重≥2500g、单胎、顺产、无窒息、无生理缺陷、无严重躯体疾病
My district is located in Beijing’s high-tech parks, tertiary institutions and research institutes gathered, infants and mothers of higher education level, for new knowledge, the new concept of scientific childcare more acceptable. To understand the intelligence development of infants in this region, we examined the intelligence development of 187 4-month-old infants using the Denver’s Developmental Screening Test (DDST). Subjects and methods 1. Subjects: August 1999 to May 2000 were born in our hospital for 4 months (± 3d), term, birth weight ≥ 2500g, single birth, no obstruction, no physical defects, No serious physical illness