The Exploration of the Human Nature Culture Based on Scarlet A in the Scarlet letter

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  【Abstract】Hawthorne’s Scarlet letter is a novel full of human exploration.It’s religion and ethics, it’s a contest of goodness and hypocrisy,It is a love tragedy in North America.The uppercase A on the heroine’s back has too much meaning.It is precisely because of the meaning of this A that the intension of human nature is exposed incisively and vividly.This article tries to explore the essence of human nature behind the “A” character of the university.
  【Key Words】Hawthorne; Scarlet letter; Scarlet A; Humanity Exploration
  I. Introduction
  Hawthorne; Scarlet letter; Capital A; humanity Exploration,The young woman Hester Prynne was guilty of adultery, but she refused to say who her lover was, so Calvin punished her with the red letter A (Adultery).In the course of punishment, she showed deep sympathy to other unfortunate people, and her many good deeds gradually earned her respect.Hester’s accomplice, the young Puritan Reverend Dimmesdale, was condemned by conscience, and at last gathered the courage to confess his guilt, and died in Hester’s bosom.Hester’s husband, besieged by vengeful fire, was devilish, morally completely corrupted, and ruined her life.Through this story, the author explores the relationship between legal and moral evils, and suggests, “where is the evil?” who is the real sinner? “ Such a moral question.
  II.The Connotation of the Capital A
  2.1 A Mark of Shame and Pain
  The scarlet letter A gave Dimmesdale the same unbearable pain.海St’s scarlet letter was embroidered in clothes, while his scarlet letter was engraved in the depths of his soul.As a representative of Puritanism and a moral model, his pain was even more profound.He loved Hester and yearned for a perfect love, but he could not go against God’s will;Between love and God, he was in a dilemma; his mind and body were completely enveloped in the consciousness of sin, and there was no peace for a moment, and life was drying up in his own torment.When Hester cheered him up with enthusiasm, he said he was no longer able to venture into a vast, strange, adventurous new world.He was weak and cowardly in the face of great pain.
  2.2 A Sign of Love
  Although Hester’s love begins with tragedy and ends with tragedy, we can still feel that she is full of love in her heart.In the days of Hester, all people’s actions were restricted by Puritanism, and they were forbidden to possess ideas that were incompatible with Puritan norms and traditional ideas.Therefore, her love with Dimmesdale violated the Puritan precepts and decayed morals of the time. But she would rather go to prison and suffer than to give up her lover in exchange for her freedom; and being sentenced to wear the scarlet letter for life, she condensed her love into a scarlet letter “A”, carefully embroidered on her chest clothes;For the sake of Dimmesdale, she gave up living in an unknown place to escape the humiliation of the people, but chose to stay and raise the crystallization of their love, Pearl, alone;When she found out that he was suffering mentally and physically and was about to collapse, she decided to flee with him.After her death, she chose to be buried next to him and shared a gravestone with the red letter “A” on it.   2.3 A Sign of Rebellion.
  When the Scarlet letter first appeared in public, it was delicate, rich in fancy and rich in imagination, and became the most fashionable ornament on Hearst’s clothesShe outdressed the colonial dress by a great deal.With her unique image, she fought back at the public abuse of her and silently challenged the unjust society.She always dressed up her Pearl, gorgeous cloth, imaginative design, dressed Pearl as a living scarlet letter.It was a mockery of Hester’s decaying secular society by virtue of his exquisite workmanship.When the church and secular authorities sought to seize Hester’s custody of her daughter, Hester, for the first time, challenged and rebelled against the church and rulers who had punished her, arguing against him with a strange, almost insane complaint, Vows to the death to defend her right as a mother.
  III. Conclusion
  The explanation of the meaning of “A” in the Scarlet letter has go-ne through the process of“Adultery”-“Anguish”-“Affection”-“anti-Puritan”-“able”.Hester’s sincere kindness and fraternity spirit finally is thescarlet letter on the chest from the symbol of evil began to fade disappear and finally transformed into a symbol of love and ability.
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  [2]Zhang Qiyun.Evolution of the prototype of dynamic context:a Cognitive interpretation of Hawthorne’s Scarlet letter[J].2013.
【摘要】深度教与学是核心素养时代教学方式的期待、抉择与定位,其在课堂的有效实施呼唤问题深加工。以问题深加工推进初中英语课堂深度教与学,应指向语言学习的内化、语言使用的情境化和思维能力的提升。  【关键词】问题深加工;深度学习;初中英语  【作者简介】曹澎(1970.11-),女,汉族,江苏无锡人,江苏省锡山高级中学实验学校,中学高级教师,大学本科,研究方向:初中英语。  当前,发展学生英语核心素养
【摘要】随着全球化进程的不断加快,如何让中国文化“走出去”成为中国对外发展中的一大重点。天津作为中国近现代对外交流最具代表性的城市之一,东西方文化的交融在其建筑发展中留下浓墨重彩的一笔。本项目通过汇总天津历史风貌建筑的英文名称,并运用多平台的技术载体,让更多人了解天津,并提供双语材料,帮助更多人学会用英语讲述天津的建筑故事。  【关键词】天津市历史风貌;建筑标识;英文语料库;多模态学习  【作者简
【摘要】《英语课程标准(2017年版)》提出在高中英语教学中培养学生核心素养,突出培养学生的自主学习能力,笔者从自主学习的意义、现状,激发学生学习兴趣、培养学习习惯等几个方面,做了一些初步的探索。  【关键词】 英语自主学习能力;意义和现状;方法  【作者简介】张秀学,榆中县恩玲中学。  一、培养高中学生英语自主学习能力的意义  《英语课程标准(2017年版)》对英语教学提出了“任务型”教学的要求
短镜头:《最高贵的自行车》(徐嘉青)  领叔是个三只手,在村里名声很不好,父亲向来对他不待见。這天,父亲却一反常态,主动请领叔喝酒,从他们谈话的只言片语中,我听出了点端倪……本乡本土:《分地》(崔建华)  大河村的宅基地分了七八年分不下去,刚来的第一书记袁大山决定给乡亲们办点实事,把地分了。谁料刚开始了解情况,村主任老刘就递来了9张条子,张张都来自县里的实权部门……《最高贵的自行车》插图惊险与传奇
宝瓶中学位于屏山脚下。  这天,校门口进来个二十七八岁的年轻人,打听萧玲老师。门卫说:“来问萧老师的人多啊!你看,那边平房第一间屋,你去问李萍老师,她可以接待你。”  不料,年轻人刚进屋,这个漂亮的李萍老师就问:“你也是来还钱的吧?”  年轻人有点诧异:“你咋知道我是来还钱的?”  李老师笑了,说:“你是第一百位来还钱的学生。这些年,萧老师帮助的人不少啊!”  “是的,我是十年前向萧老师借钱的学生
【摘要】现在的小学英语课堂教学主要存在教师教学观念落后教学方法单一、课堂教学形式不够灵活等问题。而这些问题在一定程度上阻碍了对学生英语听力的训练和培养,使得学生的听力水平得不到提高和上升。  【关键词】小学英语;听力训练;有效措施  【作者简介】王侠光,江苏省宿迁市泗洪县梅花中心小学。  一、小学英语听力教学现状  传统的英语课堂教学只是一味地重视学生的英语口语会话能力和写作拼读的训练。而学生听力
【摘要】教室是学校进行教育的重要场所和载体,是新课程改革理念实施的主要场所。尤其是在新课标下,教室承载着提升学生核心素养的重要价值。本论文以教室文化作为研究切入点,对促进学生核心素养发展的教室文化建设进行了详细的研究和分析。  【关键词】核心素养;教室文化;建设;有效途径  【作者简介】李毅,甘肃省榆中县第二中学;蓝芳,甘肃省榆中县恩玲中学。  在学校的课堂教学中,教室是进行人才培养的重要场所和载
【摘要】高中英语写作普遍存在着学生怕写怕改的问题,为了培养学生迎难而上解决问题的精神,教师要从实际教学经验出发,寻找能够有效提升学生学习效率的教学方法。而“面批法”作为能够促进师生交流,提高学生自我纠错能力的方法,如何将其运用于实际教学工作当中,本文做出一些“面批”策略的探析。  【关键词】面批作文;写作构思;因材施教;提高写作能力  【作者简介】肖丽华,福建省莆田第六中学。  高中英语有关学生高
【摘要】这是一个经济飞速发展的时代,在全球化日益加强的背景下,语言的互通显然是不可或缺的,而英语在交流中有着举足轻重的地位。为更好的与时代接轨,需加强对英语的学习与研究,语块教学在学生进行英语学习的过程中起着关键作用,有助于提高学生的兴趣以及课堂的教学效果,教师应结合具体情况,了解每个学生的学习特点,避免语块教学单一化。  【关键词】素质教育;语块教学;高中英语  【作者简介】戴玉女,江西省婺源县
短镜头:《剧透》(刘洪文)  老李和老杨都是球迷。两人住楼上楼下,白天没事就往一块凑,谈赛事,说进球,不亦乐乎。眼看中超、亚冠等赛事渐入高潮,老李和老杨却闹起了小矛盾。这是为啥呀?《剧透》插图海外传真:《将计就计》(马奕彦)  浅野乘坐的长途大客车发生了交通事故,被撞出路基滚下山坡。浅野侥幸活着,正暗自庆幸,却听见救援队的议论:这辆车买过巨额保险,保险公司将根据乘客的伤残程度理赔。他眉头一动,计上