先生姓周名启源 ,汉族 ,河北省涿县人也。生于 1 90 3年 8月 2 0日 ,卒于 1 986年 1月 1 7日 ,终年 83岁。 周启源先生是我国老一辈的生物化学家和营养学家 ,在蛋白质变性机制、雄性激素生理功能、食品营养、特别是在代乳粉的研制和中国食物成分的整理和编纂 ,做出了卓越的
Zhou name Qiyuan Mr. surname, Han, Shexian Hebei Province also. Born on August 20, 1990, he died on January 17, 1986, and was 83 years old. Mr. Zhou Qiyuan is a biochemist and nutritionist of the older generation in China. He has made remarkable achievements in such aspects as protein denaturation mechanism, androgen physiological function, food nutrition, especially in the development of milk substitute powder and the compilation and compilation of Chinese food ingredients of