时光荏苒,PRINT CHINA 2011的热闹景象还恍如昨日,PRINT CHINA 2015已踏步而来。2015年4月7~12日,历时四年酝酿的PRINT CHINA将继续在东莞——这个中国南部的印刷重地,大放异彩,为来自五湖四海的同业献上一场印刷盛宴。国际品牌的前沿魅力,中国制造的创新崛起,高端论坛的前瞻把脉,传统与数字交织绽放,绿色与环保比翼齐飞,丰富着PRINT CHINA 2015的大舞台。再启程,PRINT CHINA 2015会带给我们怎样的惊喜?让我们抢
Time 荏 苒, PRINT CHINA 2011’s lively scene also seems like yesterday, PRINT CHINA 2015 has come to a step. From April 7 to April 2015, PRINT CHINA, which has been brewing for four years, will continue its printing feast in Dongguan, a printing center in southern China, and a printing feast for colleagues from all corners of the globe. The forefront of the international brand charm, the rise of innovation made in China, the forefront of high-end forum pulse, tradition and digital intertwined bloom, green and environmental wing fly, enrich the PRINT CHINA 2015 stage. Re-departure, PRINT CHINA 2015 will give us what kind of surprise? Let us grab