热、热、热! 自6月中旬以来,山西大部分地区出现了36℃以上的高温天气。6月22日,省会太原最高气温上升到39℃,运城、临汾等地区部分县市气温则高达40℃以上。据当地气象部门统计资料表明,这一气温超过山西历史极值。电、电、电! 持续的高温天气,不尽的滚滚热浪,逼得人们无处躲藏,对原本紧缺的电力更是火上浇油,7月15日, 山西电网统配用电出现了入夏以来最高负荷,达到
Hot, hot and hot! Since mid-June, hot weather above 36 ℃ has occurred in most parts of Shanxi. June 22, the highest temperature in the capital of Taiyuan rose to 39 ℃, Yuncheng, Linfen and other parts of the county temperatures as high as 40 ℃. According to local meteorological department statistics show that the temperature exceeds the extreme historical Shanxi. Electricity, electricity, electricity! Continuous hot weather, endless heat waves, forcing people no place to hide, the original shortage of electricity is even more fueling, July 15, Shanxi power grid integration into the power appeared into The highest load since summer, reached