甲状腺肿块是常见疾病,但由于生物学行为和形态表现常不一致,特别恶性瘤诊断有一定困难,临床误诊病例不少。本文拟通过回顾性分析10年外科手术切除的452例甲状腺肿块,对其分类和诊断做一探讨。 临床病理资料分析 452例患者均有完整的病史记录,每例均有1~12张H.E染色的病理切片。基本采用世界卫生组织(WHO)有关甲状腺肿瘤的分类标准,但良性腺瘤不再分亚型,并把非典型腺癌、滤泡状腺瘤伴Ⅰ-Ⅲ级
Thyroid lumps are common diseases, but due to inconsistent biological behaviors and morphological manifestations, diagnosis of malignant tumors is particularly difficult, and there are many cases of clinical misdiagnosis. This article intends to retrospectively analyze 452 cases of thyroid tumors that have been surgically resected for 10 years and discuss the classification and diagnosis. Analysis of Clinical and Pathological Data All 452 patients had complete medical records. Each case had 1 to 12 H.E-stained pathological sections. Basically uses the World Health Organization (WHO) classification criteria for thyroid tumors, but benign adenomas are no longer subtyped, and atypical adenocarcinomas, follicular adenomas with grades I-III