智力低下(mental retardation)是指出生前后由于各种原因造成的中枢神经系统发育障碍,临床表现为智能低下为主的综合征。现将我们在1985年10月至1987年5月遗传咨询门诊中发现的智力低下患儿130例病因分析如下.一:材料来源和方法1.选择门诊遗传咨询中,明显智力低下,即应人能、应物能、语言能和动作能明显低于同龄儿童者为对象。2.详细询问患儿既往病史、家族史、母
Mental retardation (mental retardation) refers to the birth of a variety of reasons for the development of central nervous system disorders, the clinical manifestations of low intelligence-based syndrome. Now we in October 1985 to May 1987 genetic counseling clinic found in 130 cases of mental retardation in children with the following etiology: A source of materials and methods 1. Select out-patient genetic counseling, obviously mental retardation, that is, should people Can, can material, language and action can be significantly lower than children of the same age as the object. 2. detailed history of children with previous medical history, family history, mother