7月初,足球世界杯已接近尾声,不少朋友心里已有了最佳11人的名单!同样在7月初,暑假促销已开始,小编心里也有了11款最佳配置的名单!编辑点评:写配置单要查阅海量行情很辛苦,但过程很有趣,特别是发现某款产品超级有性价比的时候!关键配件的选择简直就是超女PK,拿显示器来说,小编就依次选择过“三星711N”(1650)→“明基FP71G+”(1499)→“KTC K-7005LH”(1399),最终才锁定了“HKC H781B”。这款17“LCD亮度250nits,对比度500:1,响应时间8ms,可视角度160度,1299元的价格让人咂舌!此外,该配置单中的其他硬件也都是6月18日截稿前最具性价比的产品:主板刚降100元,内存硬盘同类最低,光驱耳麦皮实耐用,多彩网吧五件套也是一抹亮色,键鼠、机箱、电源、摄像头整齐划一,一共才290元!
In early July, the football World Cup is nearing completion, many of my friends already have the best list of 11 people! Also in early July, summer promotion has begun, Xiaobian heart also has 11 best configuration list! Edit Comment: Write Configuration single to check the massive Quotes is very hard, but the process is very interesting, especially when you find a super-cost-effective product! The choice of key components is simply Super Girl PK, take the monitor, Xiaobian have chosen over the “Samsung 711N” (1650) → “BenQ FP71G +” (1499) → “KTC K-7005LH” (1399), and finally locked the “HKC H781B”. The 17 "LCD brightness of 250nits, contrast ratio of 500: 1, response time of 8ms, viewing angle of 160 degrees, 1299 yuan price staggering! In addition, the configuration of other hardware are also June 18 deadline The most cost-effective products: the motherboard has just dropped 100 yuan, the lowest memory hard drive similar to the drive headset rugged, colorful Internet cafes five sets is also a touch of bright colors, keyboard and mouse, chassis, power supply, camera uniform, a total of 290 yuan!