本文对胎牛肝细胞再生因子(HPF)的制备及其某些理化性质进行了探讨.HPF的制备参照Labreque DR等人的方法加以改进.采用反复加热、酸碱沉淀除去大分子蛋白而获得.工艺简单易行,提取率高.本法制备的胎牛HPF含有27种游离氨基酸,其生物活性测定结果表明可使~3H-胸腺嘧啶掺入升高3~18倍,且无剂量效应关系.低浓度时刺激活性增强,高浓度时则抑制细胞生长.采用肝癌细胞检测~3H-胸腺嘧啶放射性dpm,结果与对照组相同,表明该HPF不刺激肝癌细胞生长.目前尚未见文献报道.
In this paper, the preparation of fetal bovine hepatocyte regeneration factor (HPF) and its physicochemical properties were discussed.The preparation of HPF was improved by the method of Labreque DR et al.It was obtained by repeated heating and acid-base precipitation to remove the macromolecule protein. The process is simple and the extraction rate is high.The fetal bovine HPF prepared by the method contains 27 kinds of free amino acids and the biological activity measurement results show that the 3H-thymidine incorporation can be increased by 3 to 18 times without any dose-effect relationship. The stimulating activity was enhanced at low concentration and inhibited at high concentration.The 3H-thymidine radioactive dpm was detected in hepatoma cells as same as the control group, indicating that HPF did not stimulate the growth of hepatoma cells.