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考场作文难不难?难。难就难在写作时间是限定的,写作环境是特定的,写作内容是有限制的。在考试的有限时间内、在考场这个特定环境下,要完成给定题目的作文写作,能不难吗?对同学们来说,作文堪称语文学习的重中之重,甚至有些同学不堪其重负,但考场作文真的那么难吗?也不难!为什么不难?本期特稿这一组指导文章就是要告诉同学们怎么让考场作文变得不难。 Is it hard to test the composition? Difficult to write at the writing time is limited, the writing environment is specific, writing content is limited. In the examination of the limited time, in the examination room in this particular environment, to complete the writing of a given topic writing, is not difficult? For students, the essay can be called the top priority of language learning, and even some students are unbearable Heavy negative, but the test essay really so difficult? Is not difficult! Why is not difficult? This feature articles this set of guide articles is to tell students how to make the exam essay becomes not difficult.
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
The earth forest is a geomorphic type of the running water found in recent years in China. At some distribution regions of loose or semicemented fluviolacustrin
在高考理综新课标试卷中,共有8道选择题,在考场上考生能否顺利完成选择题,关乎整场考试的成败。如何迅速、准确求解选择题值得研究和关注,本文我结合自己的教学实际总结了求解选择题的六种方法,希望对同学们有所启发和帮助。  一、假设法:  假设法就是根据题目中的已知条件或结论做出某种假设,然后进行一番推导,推出“假设成立或假设不成立”的结论,从而找出正确的答案。利用假设法处理某些物理问题,往往能够突破思维
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