2005年5月14日拉里·休斯入选本赛季最佳防守第一阵容。2005年5月6日休斯拿下全队最高的21分,奇才4比2淘汰公牛,23年后首次闯过季后赛首轮。2005年1月18日休斯带领奇才取得三连胜,平均每场贡献23.7分、7篮板、6.7次助攻及3.67次抢断,从而获得东部周最佳球员。2004年12月4日休斯在奇才与公牛的比赛中完成7次抢断,平了个人生涯的纪录。2004年11月29日奇才114比109 击败猛龙,休斯得到三双(33分、10 篮板、10助攻)
May 14, 2005 Larry Hughes was named to the All-Defensive First Team this season. Hughes on May 6, 2005 scored a team-high 21 points, the Wizards beat the Bulls 4-2, the first time in 23 years after passing the first round of the playoffs. Hughes led the Wizards to a three-game winning streak on January 18, 2005, averaging 23.7 points, 7 rebounds, 6.7 assists and 3.67 steals per game to secure the Eastern Week’s best player. December 4, 2004 Hughes completed seven steals in the Wizards and Bulls game, flat his career record. November 29, 2004 Wizards beat the Raptors 114 to 109, Hughes got three double (33 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists)