面对纷纭的中国画坛 肯定是仁智自见的。现象、问题、人物、作品皆可切入,然而新开设的这一栏目,却打算采用谈话的方式,从一个个具体的技法问题开口,牵一发而动全身,期待尽可能深入的讨论。自本期开始,先展开中国画画法座谈,以后还将陆续涉及到油画、版画等门类。本期我们特邀了工笔画家孙志钧和写意画家衲子与我本人聊聊中国画“笔法”,但愿能引发读者朋友的画兴与话兴。
The face of diverse Chinese painting is certainly a wise man. However, the newly opened section intends to use the method of conversation to speak from one concrete technical issue to another as soon as possible, and it is hoped that discussions will be held as soon as possible. Since the beginning of this issue, we have started to discuss the traditional Chinese painting method and will later be involved in the fields of oil painting, printmaking and so on. In this issue, we invited painter Sun Zhijun and freehand painter Shizi to talk with me about the Chinese painting “Brushwork”, hoping to draw readers’ interest and happiness.