Dietary fiber (DF) plays an important role in maintaining human digestive tract function and structure. The modern definition of DF emphasizes the nutritional value of DF in human body. All substances with similar physiologic functions are classified as DF, that is, they can not be digested and absorbed in the small intestine and enter into the fermented substance in the colon. Therefore, DF contains some previously unknown DF Substances, such as oligosaccharides, resistant starches, monosaccharides that can not be digested, disaccharides and the like. Infant intestinal function immature, not completely digested and absorbed carbohydrates may enter the colon to play a role in fermentation. Lactose that is not digested and absorbed in milk, rich in oligosaccharides, or undigested starch in foods is the DF source for young infants. In the late stage of infancy, intestinal function gradually develops. The intestine lacks DF (mainly undigested lactose) from milk. The undigested starch decreases in food, and semi-solid or solid food containing a certain amount of DF needs to be introduced gradually. Otherwise constipation can occur.