
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuming
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中国古代诗人常常有托物言志的作品,诗人通过描写某一事物来表达自己的高尚情怀。小学生正处在人格形成和发展的关键期,如果在这个阶段通过学习优美的古诗来对学生的人格形成影响,既有利于古诗的学习,又能促进学生的人格发展。本文通过讨论《石灰吟》和《墨梅》两首诗的教学来探讨古诗教学对学生人格发展的促进作用。 Ancient Chinese poets often have the prophecy of writing works, the poet by describing something to express their own noble feelings. Pupils are in the critical period of the formation and development of personality. If we learn from the beautiful ancient poems at this stage to influence students ’personality, it is not only beneficial to the study of ancient poems but also to the development of students’ personality. This article discusses the promotion of ancient poem teaching on the development of students’ personality by discussing the teaching of the two poems of “Lime Yin” and “Mei Mei”.