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根据欧洲民间传说,3月的最后3天,按规定,根本不属于3月。有一首古老的苏格兰民谣讲述了天气变化无常的3月,如何向慷慨的4月借来了3天,又把那3天的天气弄得很坏。第一天起风还潮湿,第二天下雪又下雹,第三天冻得要人命,鸟爪子冻在了树梢。最初围绕着“借日”的种种迷信一直延续到19世纪。这3天是危险的,充满了禁忌和坏天气的凶兆。英国国王詹姆斯一 According to European folklore, the last three days of March, according to regulations, did not belong to March. There was an old Scottish ballad about how the weather changed in March, how to borrow three days from the generous April, and made the weather worse for the three days. On the first day, the wind was still wet, and on the second day it was snowing and squatting. The third day had to be frozen and the birds paws were frozen in the treetops. The various superstitions that initially revolved around “borrowing the day” continued into the 19th century. These three days are dangerous and full of signs of taboos and bad weather. King James 1
At a job interview,my husband was asked if he would mind working under the direct supervision(监管)of awoman.“I am British,”he replied.“We have queen in the
为什么多数人只会“唱”英文歌,  却不会“说”英文呢?  倘若我们在熟悉歌曲旋律之后,  能够养成“改歌词”的习惯,  那效果就不一样了……  每一次演讲,温蒂都会问听众一个问题:“唱英文歌,对学英文有没有帮助?”  通常听众会分成两派,一派是两眼茫然,另一派是绝对肯定地猛点头。  这时候,温蒂就会给他们一个确定的答案:“有帮助,但不是绝对有帮助。”然后,他们就全都变得很茫然。  温蒂接着提醒他们
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1.I think English is the hardest__all my subjects.A.to be learned in B.to be learned ofC.to learn from D.to learn of2.He has decided to stop smoking, __difficu
3月20日,本刊记者曾亲赴山东济南采访修耐德电动车维修部分加盟商经营情况(详细报道见本刊2008年第5期)。在“修耐德”总部,记者曾与正在接受技术培训的2008年的第二期加盟学员见了面。如今,二个月过去了,当初的加盟学员回家开店情况如何?5月31日,本刊记者分别致电11位学员,了解到最新情况。    市场大,项目好,才是赚钱硬道理    电话采访河北邢台梁刚时,他正忙着给人修理电动车。梁刚告诉我说
(保留原试题序号)Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to EmeiMountain in Sichan. As everyone knows, it’s famous 76.____mountain with all kinds of pla
书面表达:某杂志上开辟了专栏,刊载美国青少年提出的一些有关中国情况的问题,征求回答。请你根据实际情况用英语就此作出答复,供该杂志专栏登载。 Written expression: A m
1.should1.Jenny have kept her word.I wonder why she changed her mind.A.must B.should C.need D.would (’91)2.We last night,but We went to the concert instead. (
beat/hit/strike1.He was once__black and blue.2.On 16th October, a hurricane__the southeast of England.3.He__his knee with his hand. 简析:beat着重“接连地击打”