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考查学生用列举法解决随机事件发生的概率是近几年中考数学命题的热点之一.用列举法求概率必须满足两个条件:一是一次试验中,可能出现的结果是有限多个;二是各种结果发生的可能性相等.常用的公式是:如果在一次实验中,有n种可能的结果,并且它们发生的可能性相同,事件A出现m种结果,那么事件A发生的概率为P(A)=m/n.列举法有直接列举法.列表法和画树状图法.本文以 Examining the probability that a student uses enumeration to solve a random event is one of the hot topics in mathematics proposition in recent years.Using the enumeration method to find the probability must meet two conditions: one is the result may be more than one in one experiment; Is the probability that the various outcomes will occur Equally commonly used formulas are: If there are n possible outcomes in one experiment, and they have the same probability of occurrence and m results for event A, the probability of event A occurring is P (A) = m / n. The enumeration method has a direct enumeration method, a list method and a dendrogram method.
建设海峡西岸经济区、建立海峡自由贸易区、构建海峡无差异区,需要中央政府集中决策,以国家名义建设海峡西岸经济区。 The construction of the economic zone on the west