患者男,75岁,主因慢性咳嗽、咯痰10余年,加重伴喘息5d于2016年2月18日来院就诊。门诊查口唇发绀,颈静脉未见明显充盈,双下肢无水肿,桶状胸,肋间隙变宽,呼吸浅快,24次/min,双肺叩诊过清音,移动度降低,呼吸音粗,可闻及广泛干性啰音及少许湿性啰音。胸片提示慢性支气管炎、肺气肿、肺部感染、胸膜炎、少量胸腔积液。血常规示WBC 15.8×109/L,中性粒细胞绝对值13×109/L,中性粒细胞百分比0.820,淋巴细
Male patient, 75 years old, mainly due to chronic cough, expectoration for more than 10 years, increased with wheezing 5d on February 18, 2016 to hospital. Out-patient examination of lips cyanosis, no obvious jugular filling, no lower extremity edema, barrel chest, intercostal space wider, shallow breathing, 24 beats / min, percutaneous clear voice over the lungs, decreased mobility, Smell a wide range of dry rales and a little wet rales. Chest X-ray tips for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary infection, pleurisy, a small amount of pleural effusion. Blood showed WBC 15.8 × 109 / L, neutrophil absolute value 13 × 109 / L, neutrophil percentage 0.820, lymphocyte