DD(X)系列战舰是美国海军“21世纪海上力量”作战构想的主力战舰。美国海军将 DD(X)级系列战舰视为海军版的“联合攻击战斗机”(JSF)项目。作为一种高度机动和通用的海上作战平台,DD(X)系列战舰将被美军用作独立的前沿存在和前沿成慑的重要工具,也将成为美国海军联合远征打击部队不可或缺的重要组成部分。日前,美国海军已决定启动 DD(X)舰的建造计划。根据美国海军提供的一项为期3年、计划耗资29亿美元的合同,
DD (X) series of warships is the United States Navy “21st Century Maritime Forces” operational concept of the main warships. The U.S. Navy views the DD (X) class of ships as the Navy’s Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) project. As a highly mobile and versatile offshore combat platform, the DD (X) series of warships will be used by the U.S. military as an important front-end presence and precursor to deterrence and as an indispensable component of the United Navy’s Joint Expeditionary Forces section. Recently, the U.S. Navy has decided to launch a DD (X) ship construction plan. According to a three-year U.S. Navy contract with a planned $ 2.9 billion contract,