沿海甬台温铁路雁荡山桥2-90主桥采用结构新颖、造型美观的2×90 m下承式叠合拱无推力拱桥式结构,在我国客运专线桥梁结构中尚属首次采用。介绍该桥动态检测试验主要结果,分析研究该桥结构的变形、变位、自振频率及加速度等动力性能指标,评价桥梁结构的动力性能。桥梁结构横、竖向刚度较大,动力性能较好,能够满足120 km/h试验货物列车、250 km/hCRH2-010A综合检测车运行安全性和平稳性的要求,满足开行250 km/h动车组条件。
Coastal Yongtaiwen Railway Yandangshan Bridge 2-90 main bridge with novel structure, attractive appearance of 2 × 90m under the arch-type arch bridge without thrust arch bridge structure in the passenger dedicated line is still the first time in the bridge structure. The main results of the dynamic testing of the bridge are introduced. The dynamic performance indexes of the bridge structure, such as deformation, displacement, natural frequency and acceleration, are analyzed to evaluate the dynamic performance of the bridge structure. The transverse and vertical rigidity of the bridge structure is relatively large and the dynamic performance is good. The bridge structure can meet the requirements of running safety and stability of 120 km / h pilot cargo train and 250 km / h CRH2-010A comprehensive detection vehicle, meeting the requirements of 250 km / h traveling car Group conditions.