碘升华和凝华的实验是初中《物理》“物态变化”中一个典型的实验,新旧版教材都采用这一实验现象来演示说明升华和凝华现象.一、问题的提出如图1 所示是教材采用的实验装置图.但笔者在多年的教学实践中发现它存在着重要的缺陷:在碘升华的过程中明显发生了碘的熔化
The experiment of iodine sublimation and desublimation is a typical experiment in “physics” “state change ” of junior high school, the new and old textbooks all use this experiment phenomenon to demonstrate the phenomenon of sublimation and sublimation. 1 shows the experimental device used in teaching materials, but I found in teaching practice for many years there is an important flaw: in the process of iodine sublimation significantly occurred in the melting of iodine