卢某:女,27岁,工人。因畏寒、发烧,尿频、尿急、尿痛、血尿二天。于一九八三年四月廿廿四日上午,前来就诊。经尿常规检查:蛋白(+++),脓细胞(++++),红细胞(++++)。初诊为急性肾盂肾炎.给予硫酸庆大霉素注射液8万 u(江苏徐州制药厂制,批号:820612)治疗,肌注一分钟后,患者出现眩晕、心慌,面色苍白。继后出现表情淡薄,反应迟钝,神志丧失等休克症状。体检:体温37℃,血压80/30mmHg,脉博40次/分,呼吸12次/分,肤色苍白,口唇指甲微紫;瞳孔两侧同圆等,光反射
Lu Mou: female, 27 years old, worker. Because of chills, fever, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, hematuria two days. On the morning of April 24, 1983, we came to see the doctor. Urine routine examination: protein (+++), pus (++++), red blood cells (++++). Initial diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis given gentamicin sulfate injection 80 000 u (Jiangsu Xuzhou Pharmaceutical Factory, lot number: 820612) treatment, intramuscular injection one minute later, patients with dizziness, palpitation, pale. Followed by weak expression, unresponsive, lost consciousness and other symptoms of shock. Physical examination: body temperature 37 ℃, blood pressure 80 / 30mmHg, pulse Bo 40 times / min, breathing 12 beats / min, pale complexion, lips and nails slightly purple; pupil both sides of the same circle, light reflex