年少成名、身价上亿、星途坦荡、跻身社交圈A-list、成为时尚迷们心中的时尚icon……这些花头,在你我眼中可能尚属光芒万丈,但在新人层出的影视圈,大家都是当仁不让的厉害角色,有如此成就也算不得什么惊人。倒是突如其来的名利往往会让人找不到方向,于是越是大牌的明星,往往越是伴着酗酒、吸毒、坐牢、结婚离婚再结再离的人生闹剧一再起落。而饰演《哈利·波特》片中模范学生“赫敏”的英国姑娘Emma Watson将上面的一切好处占尽不说,偏偏还能在成功的激流中保持冷静,无论做人还是穿衣都让人称道,不愧为纷乱影视圈中难得一见的优等生!
Young fame, worth hundreds of millions, astral magnanimous, among the social circle A-list, become fashionable in the hearts of fashion fans icon ...... These flowers, in your eyes may still be my lofty, but in the film and television out of new entrants, Everyone is doing a great job of doing my part. With such achievements, it is not surprising. However, the sudden fame and fortune often can not find a direction, so the more big stars, the more often accompanied by alcoholism, drug abuse, jail, marriage and divorce come back again and again farce ups and downs. And Emma Watson, a British girl who plays “Harry Potter” model student “Hermione,” did everything he could to say, but still managed to stay calm in the torrent of success, both in person and in clothing Are commendable, worthy of a chaotic film and television circle of rare honored students!